Friday 16 September 2011

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man.
Bake me a cake as fast as you can;
Pat it and prick it and mark it with B,
Put it in the oven for baby and me !!!

Baking a cake isn’t all that difficult as it seems. Let me tell you it is not something like Rocket Science or something. Many people are nervous or apprehensive before baking a cake. And obvio tension is expected…you put in all your efforts and the oven goes ‘ting’ to give you BURNT portion of crap !!! So sad.. :’(
Even I used to be very tensed before baking cakes. I somehow managed to find a recipe that seemed almost ok to me and I took off with the steps one by one. But the cake turned out to be a disaster. The cake had a stink of egg and it was not at all spongy… A DISASTER IN EVERY FEASIBLE SENSE!
I was really disheartened and decided I wont be baking a cake ever… But then I took spl classes for baking where I  learnt different styles of baking.. Different types of cakes and all of them lip-smacking good!
This time when I was about to bake a cake, it was for my very close friend’s birthday! @ 18:00 hrs I reached home and had to bake the cake, get ready and reach the venue by 19:30 hrs for the party. I was all tensed & not at all confident. Even told my friends to arrange for a cake in-case I repeat the history! That disastrous cake had become the wildest n disastrous effort. I just took a deep breath and started off! To everyone’s surprise, this time the cake was not at all a disaster but totally yummy and pretty and delicious and everything good! It was spongy, fluffy and had a flavour of RUM as it was a RUM CAKE. Here goes the pic:

The next attempt was for my sister’s birthday. By this time I was pretty confident about the base but was tensed again about the icing. Had never done it before and I had just observed my cooking teacher teach me! And it was a pleasant surprise as the icing was tasting very good & I had topped the cake quite neatly with all the icing and other toppings and it got set also very well! Tried li’l design on it.. wasn’t so successful but yea, was looking cute! The icing looked little immature but was very good for a first timer (my teacher said so ^_^). Here goes the pic:

So don’t ever be afraid of what you really want to do. First time a disaster is expected as someone has rightly said
“Failures are stepping stones towards success”

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